What is Intuitive Integration?

Welcome to the office

Our Mission

At Intuitive Integration it is our goal to help you achieve the health of your dreams. Through detailed appointments, comprehensive analysis  and innovative healing modalities we are able to determine underlying body dysfunction. 

It is our goal at Intuitive Integration to come up with a plan to get your health on track to have you feeling your best physically, mentally, and emotionally. Each patient is different, and at Intuitive Integration choosing a unique combinations of treatment types from Acupuncture to Herbs to functional medicine and lifestyle to Brain Health, we are committed to your health. 

The Experience

You will get an individualized care plan that addresses your health needs from a symptomatic point as well as a whole body treatment that addresses the root cause. 

The environment at Intuitive Integration is calming, soothing, and relaxing. We try to create an environment that promotes healing. Stress is a huge part of “dis-ease” in the body and many times is what holds us back from being happy and enjoying life to the fullest.  

Our Core Values