Brain Health coaching

Dr. Samantha Prashad is always learning new and exciting techniques to best serve her patients. She is a Certified Brain Health Coach with the Amen Clinic. In this program she learned how to read Brain SPECT scans, evaluate which areas of the brain are functioning too much or too little, and lastly how to create a comprehensive treatment plan. Some of the conditions we evaluate range from ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, memory issues, mood disorders, brain trauma, sleep disorders, weight issues, and so much more.

What if we stopped saying “Mental Illness” and shifted our language to say “Brain Health”? Instead of contributing more to the stigma when we are getting our brains and mind healthy, we can focus on our brain wellness journey.

"The End of Mental Illness"- Dr. Daniel A

"New hope for those suffering from conditions like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, addictions, PTSD, ADHD and more.
Though incidence of these conditions is skyrocketing, for the past four decades standard treatment hasn’t much changed, and success rates in treating them have barely improved, either. Meanwhile, the stigma of the “mental illness” label―damaging and devastating on its own―can often prevent sufferers from getting the help they need. Brain specialist and bestselling author Dr. Daniel Amen is on the forefront of a new movement within medicine and related disciplines that aims to change all that. In The End of Mental Illness, Dr. Amen draws on the latest findings of neuroscience to challenge an outdated psychiatric paradigm and help readers take control and improve the health of their own brain, minimizing or reversing conditions that may be preventing them from living a full and emotionally healthy life."




Did you know that Alzheimer’s and Dementia start in the brain 30 years before any symptoms occur? Having a diet that is supportive for both our brain and body is key to living a long, fulfilled and healthy life free from pain and other chronic illnesses. 

Find out how to support your specific brain type by completing a free 5 minute evaluation! Get the results instantly in your email with tips for your diet, as well as exercises and supplements to support your brain.