Healing in Season: 5 Spring Health Tips

In Chinese Medicine, the Spring is the season of the Gallbladder and Liver. This is a great time to eat foods to nourish and cleanse these organs! The color associated with these organs is green and the flavor is sour. A general principle is to incorporate more green foods as well as sour foods to your diet in the spring
  1. Green Foods: wheat grass, kale, chlorophyll rich foods, chlorella. These are all great super foods for cleansing out toxins from the liver
  2. Bitter leafy greens- arugula, mustard greens, radicchio, mustard greens. More liver cleansing
  3. Citrus- lemons, limes- these astringent foods will help to move the qi of the liver and also can help to cut fats that may have become stored during the winter.
  4. Chicken- this is a great time of year to nourish your body and the blood in your system with good organic chicken (think “spring chicken”)
  5. Radishes- a great pungent food for the spring to help enliven your live

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